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:: Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2013) ::
jccnursing 2013, 6(3): 145-154 Back to browse issues page
The effect of supplementation with intravenous vitamin C on fatigue of hemodialysis patients
Vajihe Biniyaz , Ali Tayebi , Mahdi Sadeghi shermeh , Abbas Ebadi , Eghlim Neamati
Abstract:   (68612 Views)
Aims : Fatigue is one of the most common dialysis side effects and it has been among the main nursing diagnosis in hemodialysis patients and it can predict cardiovascular events and its mortality in hemodialysis patients as a bioalarm. Considering that decrease in Serum level of vitamin C is one of the main causes of fatigue in these patients, this study had been done with the aim of evaluating the effect of supplementation with intravenous vitamin C on fatigue in hemodialysis patients . Methods : In a randomized, parallel group, double-blind clinical trial , 177 patients with chronic renal failure who referred to hemodialysis units of Baqiatallah and Chamran hospital in Tehran were studied. They distributed in three groups of experimental, control and placebo in 2011. In addition to demographic questionnaire , multidimensional questionnaire (MFI) had also been used for determining fatigue before and after intervention. Then in experimental group an 2.5cc injection contacting 250 mg vitamin C was injected three times every week, at the end of each dialysis session via the intravenous route , for 8 weeks. In the placebo group normal saline placebo had been injected with the same amount for the same time and there was no intervention in the control group. In order to analyze data statistically and compare them between groups, SPSS statistical software , and Chi square, T-test, Paired t-test and ANOVA were used . Results: Complain of fatigue was observed in 81/6 % of patients and 30/7% of these patients suffered from severe fatigue before the intervention . The average loss of activity, physical fatigue and general fatigue had respectively higher mean in compare with the other five of fatigue dimensions .The mean of total scores of fatigue five dimensions was 65.39±15.92. After the end of intervention there was significant difference between findings of the three groups fatigue mean was decreased in experimental group to ( 52.28±13.82). Conclusion: Vitamin C supplementation can decrease fatigue significantly and it can be used as a simple, safe and inexpensive way .
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2019/03/3 | Published: 2013/09/15
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biniyaz V, tayebi A, sadeghi shermeh M, ebadi A, neamati E. The effect of supplementation with intravenous vitamin C on fatigue of hemodialysis patients. jccnursing 2013; 6 (3) :145-154
URL: http://jccnursing.com/article-1-255-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2013) Back to browse issues page
نشریه پرستاری مراقبت‌ ویژه Journal of Critical Care Nursing
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