:: Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2021) ::
jccnursing 2021, 14(2): 1-5 Back to browse issues page
Telehomecare for Chemical Veterans in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Moradali Zareipour * , Mohammad Saeed Jadgal , Najaf Ahmadi Aghziyarat
Department of Health System Research, Urmia Health Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran , z.morad@yahoo.ccom
Abstract:   (3714 Views)
Letter to the Editor
The Importance of Telehomecare in the Covid-19 Epidemic
The corona virus is spreading rapidly around the world these days and many countries have been infected with this virus. Corona is actually a vast family of viruses that cause respiratory infections from a simple cold to the SARS-CoV2 epidemic that broke out in 2019. The Covid-19, the newest member of this family, known as Corona in Iran, is expanding rapidly [1-2]. The spread of this disease has affected the health and medical care system and is rapidly moving health care to new ways of providing services. There is no doubt that the current global crisis of Covid-19, due to the high prevalence of the Corona virus disease and the limitations of face-to-face visits, is now more than ever applied to digital methods (Computers, Multimedia Computer Networks, Internet, Telephone ...) optimizing health care. Telehomecare (THC) is now an effective way to provide medical care as well as distance education and is used in a variety of methods such as THC [3].
THC is a subset of telemedicine. This includes providing health care to patients at home through the use of telecommunication technologies, which enable the interaction of audio, video and health-related data. THC includes a wide range of health care through education, emotional and social support, dissemination of information and self-care assistance and suggestions [4]. The implementation of THC helps to better manage patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, COPD, diabetes, etc. and reduces the number of people referring to primary health care services. THC increases access to health care, especially as the need for homecare increases with age [5]. In addition, THC can help build service networks between hospitals and primary care providers, giving patients better access to services. In addition to improving the management of chronic conditions and increasing access to health care, THC believes that it reduces health care costs [6].
Chemical Veterans and Care Challenges in the covid-19 Epidemic
Chemical warfare victims are more at risk of contracting and dying from Covid-19 because under normal circumstances, they are struggling with pain and suffering from the diseases left from the eight-year war. This virus has made them even more short of breath. In particular, chemical warfare veterans suffer from acute problems due to respiratory and pulmonary problems with the smallest disease related to the respiratory system. This means paying attention and care to this group in the Covid-19 epidemic should be considered as a priority [7].
The health and longevity of chemical warfare victims are under serious threat due to the following reasons:
  1. Respiratory problems in different groups of chemical warfare victims.
  2. Progressive nature of lesions caused by some chemical agents.
  3. Side effect of drugs used in the treatment of long-term chemical lesions.
  4. The effect of complications due to other injuries associated with complications related to chemical agents.
  5. Complications due to aging or related anxiety to war casualties.
  6. Occurrence of long-term factors caused by chemical agents of war [7].
Among the mentioned cases, the highest frequency is related to respiratory complaints among chemical warfare victims who are at risk of respiratory attacks at any time, which leaves many worries for the family. These war wounded are prone to lung failure and respiratory problems due to lung infections, so that now, years after the imposed war, they are suffering from a high degree of martyrdom due to these complications [8]. Careful and adequate care of patients at home or in nursing homes can help ease and improve them. Not being exposed to polluted air and using oxygen and humid air is effective in improving their quality of life.
On the other hand, chemical warfare veterans, have more respiratory problems and lung involvement as soon as they receive any virus [7]. Chemical warfare victims have actually lost a part of their lungs and are prone to any respiratory and lung diseases and many of these people have immune deficiencies in their body system and suffer from a variety of diseases, especially respiratory, which must be prevented under special conditions and special preventive regulations [9]. Therefore, it seems that due to the fact that the coronavirus infects the lungs and the risk of transmitting the disease during the visit, and due to the overcrowding in the comprehensive health service centers, THC is essential in the Covid-19 era in this group.
Chumbler et al. studied the effect of providing home medical services on veterans with diabetes for two years, and the results of this study showed that patients were more satisfied due to fewer visits to medical centers and incur lower treatment costs [10]. Thus, THC provides the opportunity to move many health care services from hospitals and other health care centers to patients' homes, thereby reducing the burden on the health care system and keeping the hospital in critical condition. Veterans' homecare approach promotes disease management more effectively. It also estimates the health needs of chemical warfare victims using Telehealth technologies at home to maintain their disease management ability [11].
Applications of THC among Chemical Veterans
Some of the applications of THC for chemical warfare victims that the authors suggest are: telemedicine, distance consultation, e-learning, distance prevention, distance monitoring, distance diagnosis, distance rehabilitation, distance respiratory disease treatment, distance ultrasound imaging, distance pathology, and distance cognitive disorder treatment.
The benefits of THC for chemical warfare victims include: facilitating the sharing and transfer of information and thus quick access to medical information, the possibility of information integration, reducing travel time for veterans, reducing costs, distance care, distance counseling, benefiting from the opinions of more specialists and physicians and increasing interaction and exchange of opinions and recommendations between them, providing distance education opportunities, distance radiology and pathology, diagnosis of mental, heart, skin and distance surgery is a good example of the importance of THC.
THC can provide services to veterans at home, regardless of time and place. Veterans, who have special conditions, including chemical warfare victims with respiratory problems and chronic illness, can receive medical advice without going to a health center, thus reducing health care costs and veterans' time is saved. The length of hospital stay decreases with the use of this technology and the independence of veterans and self-management in veterans increases. THC provides an opportunity to continue and improve the education process. Finally, THC will reduce the risk of the Covid-19 disease in chemical warfare victims.
Keywords: Letter to editor
Full-Text [PDF 421 kb]   (662 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/12/12 | Accepted: 2021/04/2 | Published: 2021/04/5

Ethics code: Letter to editor

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