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:: Complaints and Appeals ::
 | Post date: 2024/01/20 | 
Complaints and Appeals
Complaints Handling Process
At the JCCN (Journal of Clinical Care Nursing), we are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct. As part of our adherence to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) principles, we have established a clearly defined process for handling complaints against the journal, its staff, editorial board, or publisher. This Complaints Handling Process aims to provide a fair and efficient mechanism for addressing concerns raised by authors, reviewers, readers, or any other stakeholders regarding the journal's policies, procedures, or actions.
This Complaints Handling Process applies to all complaints related to JCCN and encompasses issues such as publication ethics, authorship disputes, conflicts of interest, plagiarism, data manipulation, reviewer misconduct, editorial decisions, and any other ethical concerns.
Submitting a Complaint:
Complaints should be submitted in writing via email to the JCCN Editorial Office at jccnursing1gmail.com .
The complaint should include a clear and concise description of the issue, providing relevant details and supporting evidence, if available.
Complaints can be submitted by any individual or entity with a legitimate concern related to the journal's operations.
Complaints Handling Procedure:
Upon receiving a complaint, the JCCN Editorial Office will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within one week. The complaint will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or designated representative, who will ensure that it is handled confidentially and impartially. The Editor-in-Chief will initiate an investigation into the matter, which may involve seeking additional information from the complainant, relevant parties, and any individuals involved in the alleged misconduct. The investigation process will be conducted promptly, and every effort will be made to reach a resolution within a reasonable timeframe. Once the investigation is completed, the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the findings and any subsequent actions taken to the complainant. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome or wishes to escalate the complaint, they may request an appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by an independent committee consisting of experts not directly involved in the initial investigation. The complainant will be informed of the appeal outcome, which will be considered final.
Confidentiality and Protection:
All complaints and related information will be treated with strict confidentiality, except in cases where disclosure is required by law or deemed necessary for the investigation. Personal information of the complainant will be protected in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.
Continuous Improvement:
JCCN is committed to continuously improving its processes and addressing any shortcomings identified through the complaints handling mechanism. Feedback received through this process will be used to enhance the quality and integrity of our journal.
View: 667 Time(s)   |   Print: 87 Time(s)   |   Email: 0 Time(s)   |   0 Comment(s)
:: Complaints and Appeals ::
 | Post date: 2024/01/20 | 
Complaints and Appeals
Complaints Handling Process
At the JCCN (Journal of Clinical Care Nursing), we are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct. As part of our adherence to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) principles, we have established a clearly defined process for handling complaints against the journal, its staff, editorial board, or publisher. This Complaints Handling Process aims to provide a fair and efficient mechanism for addressing concerns raised by authors, reviewers, readers, or any other stakeholders regarding the journal's policies, procedures, or actions.
This Complaints Handling Process applies to all complaints related to JCCN and encompasses issues such as publication ethics, authorship disputes, conflicts of interest, plagiarism, data manipulation, reviewer misconduct, editorial decisions, and any other ethical concerns.
Submitting a Complaint:
Complaints should be submitted in writing via email to the JCCN Editorial Office at infojccnursing.com.
The complaint should include a clear and concise description of the issue, providing relevant details and supporting evidence, if available.
Complaints can be submitted by any individual or entity with a legitimate concern related to the journal's operations.
Complaints Handling Procedure:
Upon receiving a complaint, the JCCN Editorial Office will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within one week. The complaint will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or designated representative, who will ensure that it is handled confidentially and impartially. The Editor-in-Chief will initiate an investigation into the matter, which may involve seeking additional information from the complainant, relevant parties, and any individuals involved in the alleged misconduct. The investigation process will be conducted promptly, and every effort will be made to reach a resolution within a reasonable timeframe. Once the investigation is completed, the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the findings and any subsequent actions taken to the complainant. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome or wishes to escalate the complaint, they may request an appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by an independent committee consisting of experts not directly involved in the initial investigation. The complainant will be informed of the appeal outcome, which will be considered final.
Confidentiality and Protection:
All complaints and related information will be treated with strict confidentiality, except in cases where disclosure is required by law or deemed necessary for the investigation. Personal information of the complainant will be protected in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.
Continuous Improvement:
JCCN is committed to continuously improving its processes and addressing any shortcomings identified through the complaints handling mechanism. Feedback received through this process will be used to enhance the quality and integrity of our journal.
View: 633 Time(s)   |   Print: 82 Time(s)   |   Email: 0 Time(s)   |   0 Comment(s)
نشریه پرستاری مراقبت‌ ویژه Journal of Critical Care Nursing
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